
"Julian Hanford is the Annie Leibovitz of Advertising."

"I’ve been lucky in my career to work with the best photographers in the world. As far as I can see Julian is up there with them."

"Julian is a life force of his own - he has used his skill in not only managing to persuade the top creatives to stand on the other side of the camera for once but also to come out with some extraordinary ideas which he has photographed brilliantly."

"In this photograph Julian captured my inner contradiction perfectly. And he spotted this contradiction - and its conceptual possibilities - within seconds! I hereby bestow on him my heartiest contrafibulations."

"I briefed Julian and he came back with a picture that was 10 times better that the brief. Name another photographer you get that from."

"Julian is great at what he does because he has a true interest in people. Creative, collaborative and one of the nicest guys you’ll meet."

"Julian took a dodgy brief (me) and made it catch fire. Quickly, charmingly and brilliantly. Isn't that the sign of a great photographer?"

"I had an OK idea. Jules made it better. Then he shot it and made it better again. Now I can pretend it was all my idea in the first place."

"The best thing about working with Julian is he's not just a brilliant photographer but he's also a great ideas person."

"Photographer, Craftsman, Creative, with Julian you get it all."

"Jules is great fun to work with but his shots are serious - as in seriously good."

"He covered me in black paint and made me sneer for a couple of hours. So why was it so enjoyable? Because of Julian. He’s one of those committed, passionate thoroughly pleasant people that you always want to work with if you can."

"Julian listens closely to you and then you listen closely to Julian. Because he doesn’t just work with good ideas, he has them."